Parallel ISA (PISA) Overview

Uses PC-indirect addressing to specify ‘registers’. Meant to easily enable out-of-order execution and multiple-issue logic in hardware. Otherwise exactly like MIPS. Pronounced as “pizza.”

The modifications are to the source and destination registers. Source registers are not addressed directly, but rather by providing the PC offset to the instruction whose result will be used. The destination register field is removed.


addiu   $0, 5   ; x = 5
addiu   $0, 4   ; y = 4
add     -1, -2  ; adds x + y

Hardware can now easily determine that the first two loads can happen in parallel — or out of order — but that the addition depends on the results of the loads. The add cannot be issued until both loads complete. Essentially, the ISA makes dependencies between instructions very clear.

Register File

Essentially a “cache” of registers. Because each entry needs to keep track of the PC of the instruction that wrote it, the register file needs to keep a tag record for each entry. This will incur a much higher hardware overhead in the register file. A direct-mapped approach is used to reduce this penalty.

To support parallel operation two additional bits are needed for each entry:

  • Valid bit: because the register file is now essentially a cache, a valid bit is needed for each entry to ensure that it is valid data.

  • Pending bit: when an instruction is issued the destination register entry will have the pending bit set high. Any instruction down the line that depends on this register entry will be stalled until the pending bit is lowered again.

Non-sequential code

This approach works well for sequential code, but begins to break down when loops and branches are used. Take this example:

addiu   $0, 1
addiu   $0, 5       ; x = 5

blez    -1, done    ; if( x==0 ) goto done
subi    -2, -3      ; x = x-1
j       loop


The blez branch, because it only checks the result of the ldi 0x05 instruction, will never be taken. The subi instruction stores its result at a +1 offset to the blez, which the branch does not check.

This issue gives us the following addition to the instruction set. The rd field of the MIPS ISA, previously unused in this implementation, will now be used to store an optional destination entry in the register file. The above example can be rewritten as:

addiu   $0, 1
addiu   $0, 5, +2   ; x = 5, store into PC+2

blez    +1, done    ; if( x==0 ) goto done
subi    0, -3       ; x = x-1
j       loop


The compiler should assign the branch condition to inspect the result of the last instruction within the loop to assign to the register in question. The last instruction before the branch evaluation should be compiled to be written to the same PC as the former instruction.

How does this affect the parallel operation of the processor? It should have no effect on the operation and should require minimal additional hardware. Previously, without the destination register field, instructions were essentially writing to offset 0. All that has changed is that instructions can now write to other offsets. The valid and pending bits will still ensure correct parallel operation of superscalar implementations.

This approach has the disadvantage of being taxing on compilers. Whether this proves to be a major issue or not will need to be seen.


This approach suffers from another disadvantage: the inability to reference the result of an instruction that is at a greater offset than N, where N is the register file size. Because the register file uses the PC of an instruction to store entries, an instruction more than an offset of N away from another cannot use the result of the latter. This is an inherent limitation of the instruction set.

A workaround is to write a value that must be accessed later to memory. This might lead to an increased number of memory accesses throughout the program, which will lead to decreased performance.

Another simple solution is to simply increase the size of the register file. Though this would lead to increased hardware costs and might lead to longer delays in register file reads, this would solve the problem somewhat.

Interestingly, the problem could also be alleviated by adding a second layer register file cache, much like adding a second layer data cache. This would offer the benefits of making register entries available for longer periods, but has the disadvantage of making program flow harder to predict. A compiler would need to keep track of the simulated cache state to determine if a register entry will still be available at a later point in the program.